Privacy Policy

We care deeply about privacy. We strive to be transparent about our privacy practices, including how we treat your personal information.

This policy applies to our registered buyers (“Buyers”) who you may choose to share information with when you use the Services. Please note that the collection and use of your information by these third parties is subject to their own privacy policies and terms. You should understand the privacy and security practices of any third party before you share information with them.

It is important that you understand how we use your information. You should read this policy in full.

Our mission at Piyera Silver is to keep human connection at the heart of commerce. We connect Buyers with us that offer handmade silver jewelry. By accepting our Terms of Use and this Privacy Policy, or by using any of our Services, you confirm that you have read and understand this policy, including how and why we use your information.

We collect and use your personal information to provide and improve our Services, to protect the security and integrity of our Services and to comply with our legal obligations.

We store your information to provide our Services, for security purposes, to understand how you use and interact with our Services, and to fulfill our legal obligations. We will not share your information with any third party software.